Zheng Chunhui

  • 2020-01-16 09:01:49

● Famous expert in laser myopia surgery in Northeast China

● Member of Chinese Medical Association Ophthalmology Branch

● Liaoning Adolescent Myopia Prevention and Control Expert / Advisory Committee Expert

● Director of Liaoning Association of Doctors

As the first group of surgical experts who hold the qualification certificate to operate the large-scale excimer medical equipment issued by the Ministry of Health, Zheng has been engaged in corneal refractive surgery for 16 years and has successfully finished over 10,000 myopia surgeries. He is the first person in China to carry out the myopia surgery by the fifth generation of American femtosecond laser. Zheng has successively visited Australia, South Korea, India and other countries for exchanges and has participated in Orbis International training programs for many times.

Speciality: corneal refractive correction surgery, effective control of high myopia, children’s myopia etiology analysis, diagnosis and treatment of various difficult refractive diseases. He is especially good at painless, minimally invasive full femtosecond laser correction of myopia.

If you Have Any Questions Call Us On 400-9090-400